Monday, May 28, 2012

It's been Awhile...

Well, it has been some time since I have last created a post.  Thought I would just update.

The week of Mother's Day I thought long and hard about what this Mother's Day meant and what I should do.  Do I send her a card?  A gift?  Nothing?  I looked long and hard at cards.  I thought if I could find the right card I would send one.  I searched card after card and fnally I found the one I was going to send.  It was generic but caring.  Most cards are about how you raised me and things like that and that would not be appropriate.  I didn't know what my brothers did for Mother's Day and so I wasn't sure if she was use to expecting any cards or anything.  I just knew I needed to do this after so many missed years.

So, now what do I write in it?  I have never had to think so long and hard about what to write ever!  I basically said to her that I am so glad we have the opportunity to know each other and a few other things.  I ended it with I have always thought about you every Mother's Day and wished her a wonderful day.

On Mother's Day Sunday I decided I should call her and just wish her a happy day and make sure she got the card.  It was a pleasant convorsation and she let me know she got the card and thought it was lovely.  She did something a little unexpected after a bit.  She yelled out to my bdad and asked if he wanted to talk to me.  He was cleaning out the camper and said no.  I thought it was just because he was busy so I thought nothing of it.  He came insode where she was and she again asked him if he wanted to talk.  He was hesitant and that is when I realized that maybe he didn't want to know me.  But, then she said he would like to talk to me.  So I waited anxiously for the exchange of the phone.  What do I say to him?  What will he say to me?  What will he sound like? 

He got on the phone and said hello.  It was a pleasant voice.  One I thought might be a little deeper.  We talked about a few things and after  abit I realized  now where I get my nervous chuckle from.  BOTH of my bparents!  They both laugh a lot when they talk and my bdad in particular, I think because of his nervousness.  We did talke about the day they received the letter I sent them and he was the one who got to the letter first.  He called my bmom at work and told her that they just got  a letter from their daughter.  It felt weird hearing him say that.  Truely, I am their daughter but it was just a new feeling.  He even talked a little about how it was a hard thing for them to do and that he wasn't sure about how to feel wen I contacted but then he saw how happy my bmom was and I think it changed how he felt about it.  He said how having three boys has really made them long for a daughter and then I sent them a letter.  I think it was as good for them that I contacted as it was for me.

I did send them a letter a while back, before I called them even, and have not gotten anything back yet.  It was the one I decided to mention something about meeting them.  I think they will be willing to meet at some point but I am not all the ready quite yet.  We will see what happens with that in the future. 

That is all that has been happening so far and I will surely be back to blog more about what goes on with my story.